My Portfolio
Back In The Studio

Some Fun Stuff

Back In The Studio

Back In The Studio

I helped art direct a major photoshoot for Under Armour recently, fun and odd to be back in a photo studio and “on set” after 4 months of no studio photography.

Out Magazine

Out Magazine

I was the Art Director in 1997. A very exciting time when we were aspiring to be the gay Vanity Fair! It was my first time organizing and overseeing cover shoots!

Some Books I’ve Creatively Overseen.

These are all from my year and a half at Rodale Books. A few bestsellers in here!

Gli Amici by Kurt Walters

A promotional video for a newly completed painting

 It’s not everyday that you get to see a book you’ve designed on a billboard in Times Square!

It’s not everyday that you get to see a book you’ve designed on a billboard in Times Square!

Before & After

Before & After

I’m a PhotoShop geek. And, sometimes, when I photograph something, I have an alternate reality version of it in my mind…

Jessica Alba’s The Honest Life

Jessica Alba’s The Honest Life

Jessica holds the book we created for her!

 Crew Shot! At the end of 5 days of photographing Jessica and her home for the book.

Crew Shot! At the end of 5 days of photographing Jessica and her home for the book.

 After 5 days of hijacking her, her home, and life, she still invited my husband and I to join her at a benefit the next day!

After 5 days of hijacking her, her home, and life, she still invited my husband and I to join her at a benefit the next day!

 At the end of a long day, Matthew McConaughey and I pose for a snapshot. We spent the day photographing him for the cover of Men’s Health. It was 2004 and the magazine crew had to join him on location in Real de Catorce, central Mexico.

At the end of a long day, Matthew McConaughey and I pose for a snapshot. We spent the day photographing him for the cover of Men’s Health. It was 2004 and the magazine crew had to join him on location in Real de Catorce, central Mexico.

 Those that know me, know that I’m terribly anti-gun. At the end of a Men’s Health cover shoot at Camp LeJeune, we were invited to do some practice shooting with the new M-4s that had just arrived. Yes, I was terrified, but I certainly learned a lot!

Those that know me, know that I’m terribly anti-gun. At the end of a Men’s Health cover shoot at Camp LeJeune, we were invited to do some practice shooting with the new M-4s that had just arrived. Yes, I was terrified, but I certainly learned a lot!

A Birthday Greeting

Using old-school frame animation, I created this video to celebrate my nephew’s 5th birthday.

Me, All Me!

Me, All Me!

I photograph everything on . All the artwork, product shots and promotional shots.

Jason Statham on the cover of Men’s Health

Jason Statham on the cover of Men’s Health

This was a 2004 bestseller for us. It was a March fashion issue, so our cover subject graced both the regular cover, and the special flip fashion cover, in addition to an inside feature.

 Statham was a real trooper. Although we had paid a hefty fee to have the pool heated, it was still bitterly cold. You wouldn’t be able to tell from the shots we took that day.

Statham was a real trooper. Although we had paid a hefty fee to have the pool heated, it was still bitterly cold. You wouldn’t be able to tell from the shots we took that day.